Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Here's my fluid filled belly, looks like im 5 months preggo! It really is sooo much bigger in person than in this picture too! Sad to say that this picture makes me look skinny compared to what I look like in person! And dont you love all the bruises on my belly :)

Yesterday the doctor decided to go ahead and send me down to the radiologist to get drained. They wanted to wait for me to make a turn for the better before they did the procedure, but it was getting so bad they went ahead and did it. Not a fun procedure, they use an ultra sound to find where they can insert a large thick needle into a fluid pocket in my abdomen. Once they do that they put a catheter (like a straw) into the whole and attach it to a vacuum like machine and it sucks the fluid out. They did use a needle with local anesthesia to numb the skin (that needle hurt so bad) but it doesn't numb completely because they go so deep into you that I could definitely feel when they broke through the fluid pocket.
Having the procedure was worth all the pain because they drained out 3 & 1/2 LITERS, yes people LITERS of fluid! All that fluid was in my belly! It gave me instant relief and pressure off my belly and lungs. It was the color of sweet tea, I wanted to keep it and use it to cook with. Then when I have people over for dinner and they say yum this chicken tastes so good what did you use, I could tell them I marinated it in my own abdominal fluid..... enjoy ;)
The first thing I wanted to do was EAT! I was so hungry that I tore up my plate of nasty hospital food like it was the best thing I've ever had :) I had about 4-5 hours of relief and comfort yesterday, but since they went ahead and did the draining while I was still getting worse the fluid came back.
My doctor came in this morning and measured me and did some blood work and desided I needed to be drained one more time. As much as I hate to have to do the draining again cause it hurt so much, I know it will make me feel so much better. He's waiting for me to start peeing more (a sign that my body will start getting rid of the fluid on its own)then he will schedule another procedure later today.
I really have been able to keep a positive attitude since I've been here (mainly because of the thought of the lil baby in me) but the nurses and doctors have been so sweet to me and taken such good care of me. I just pray this fun lil stay is covered by our insurance!!
Please pray for me to keep a positive joyful attitude and for me to be able to endure the physical pain this is causing me. It can be hard to not let my mind wonder into a pitty party when my body hurts so bad. I know God won't put me through more than I can handle so I know I'll be fine :) Thanks for all the concern and prayer! Love and blessings!


  1. You poor thing! I'll be praying for a fast recovery for you! When will you find out if it's a baby or babies?

  2. we will find out this thrusday or friday if im preggers and in two weeks we find out with how many! cant wait!

  3. Sweet Tea? Next time're together, I'll be sure just to have water! We're praying for your recovery and for your sweet little healthy babies!
    Love, Adam and Sarah
