Sunday, March 6, 2011

How Hudson Came into this World

Friday morning I had felt crampy and woke up at 4 in the morning and couldn't go back to sleep. I laid in bed until 5:20, got up, got ready and left for work. I was in warp speed at work trying to get everything accomplished just in case Hudson decided to come over the weekend. I left for my appointment with the specialist at 9:30 where they took measurements and said Hudson weighed approximately 6.9 pounds and seemed to be very healthy, but was on the small side so he probably wouldn't come anytime soon. The specialist told me his due date was more likely to be the 9th and if he didn't come by then he would advise my Doctor to induce me. Next, I headed to my OBGYN to give her the report the specialist printed out and to see if I dilated or thinned out more. The doctor told me that I was making just a little progress, I was 2cm dilated and 80% effaced. She agreed that because of my Factor Five Leiden I would need to be induced next Wednesday at the latest, not what I wanted to hear. I told her about the cramps I woke up with and had been feeling all day and asked if they could be contractions. She said very unlikely and that I would know when I felt a contraction.
After the appointment I went back to work, but just wasn't feeling right. I still had the cramps and was feeling very antsy like I needed to get stuff done. I took the rest of the day off and headed to the grocery store to get one or two things. Once I got there I was curling over the shopping cart because my cramps were still hurting, but I decided I needed to just go ahead and do a full on shopping for the week. I got home, unloaded and unpacked the groceries. My plan was to lay down and take a nap because my cramps were still hurting me but once I got upstairs I saw our laundry basket that was filled to the top so decided that it need to be taken care of. After I finished the laundry, I went to use the bathroom and saw that the toilet and sinks were very dirty. I got out the Lysol and Windex and went to town. I got the bathroom all cleaned up and was about to empty out the bathroom trash can when I felt a large gush of water in my under britches! Literally it felt like some one dumped out a cup of water in my pants. This had to be my water breaking, right or did I just pee myself?? I pulled down my pants and even though I tried to squeeze my coochie coo together the water kept coming out. Not knowing what else to do I sat in the bath tub and turned the water on to splash clean (no one ever told me that when your water breaks you don't stop leaking!!) I called Tim and told him he'd probably want to come home because my water broke, so I guess that means I'm in labor. Then I called my Doula Britany who was so excited to hear the news and told me to head on over to the hospital and call my doctor.
Tim got home about 3:30 and bless his heart he was white as a ghost. He rushed to help get everything in the car as I reassured him it was ok and I wasn't in pain to help him stay calm. We go to the hospital and by time we got to the labor and delivery room it was around 5 and my contractions had moved to my back and were very intense. Britany got to the hospital and was a huge help at keeping me relaxed. Her and Tim rubbed my back to help with the pain and coached me through my contractions. I soon realized that I wasn't getting much of a break in between contractions and the constant intense back pain was more than I could bare (they were 30 seconds apart) and I asked for an epidural.
After the epidural they measured me and I was already 7 cm dilated. The contractions were so close together Hudson's heart beat was dropping fast. They had me on oxygen and were shifting me in all sorts of positions to try and get some blood flow to my sweet baby. Tim and Britany were so calming and supportive and kept me from getting panicked. They checked me again and I was at 9 1/2 cm dilated and called my Doctor to head to the hopital. By time Dr Shin got there I was 10 cm and ready to go. By this time there was no break in between contractions and they had to get Hudson out quick. After two sets of pushing my doctor told me she would have to cut me because Hudson had to get out on the next push. Then everything happened so fast after that, she cut, I pushed, my sweet lil baby slid on out and before I new what happened he was taken away. I looked at Tim and felt so bad because he was suppose to cut the cord, but they had to do everything so fast to make sure Hudson was ok. Soon after I heard the most precious sound, our little boy crying. I told Tim to take pictures and show me because he was on the other side of the room and I hadn't even seen him yet. Soon Hudson was brought over to me and I got to meet my adorable baby boy! Now I know everyone thinks their own baby is beautiful even if they have a miss-shapend head or look like a lil alien, but Hudson truly was perfect. The most beautiful baby I've ever seen! Welcome to the world Hudson Timothy Greene, you stole your mommy's heart already and I'm so in love with you!!


  1. Congrats to you guys. I went to high school with Tim and have been following you guys story. I am glad to hear that Hudson is here and every one is doing well. Our 2nd sons name is also Hudson-its such a great name. Try to relax and let people help out as much as you can (I am sure you have not heard that before). Lol.

  2. Congratulations! So glad you are both doing well and you will have to post a picture soon:] Happy for you!

  3. Congratulations!!!!!!!! I am happy everything worked out! I hope everything goes well in the coming weeks! And post some pics of that sweet boy!!!!!!!!!

  4. Congratulations Mommy & Daddy :)
    Sara you are right he is beautiful and just perfect!

  5. Can't wait to meet him, I am in tears reading this. I love you guys.

  6. Congratulations Sara & Tim! What a sweet blessing! Enjoy every moment!
