Friday, August 27, 2010

Our lil Greene bean ;)

Today we had our ultra sound appointment and I am 12 weeks and 2 days along. How amazing to see our lil baby and hear its lil heart beat. He was looking very healthy, moving, kicking and squirming around like crazy! Its heart beat was at 168, very strong. I'm just in awe that a life is growing inside of me. During the week I go about my days and just feel fat most of the time and getting to see my baby puts things in perspective. The baby looked so much bigger in just three weeks time. It looks just like a baby now, with elbows and knees, fingers and toes, so precious! Now that I am past 12 weeks I can stop taking the progesterone shots!! What a blessing to have a healthy baby, but I'm even more excited to know I don't have to stick a needle in my butt every night!
Im so excited to start getting the nursery ready. My colors are brown and blue because that will work for a boy or a girl. I have such a strong feeling it's a lil boy and I swear I saw a lil pee pee at the ultra sound today ;)
Thanks again for keeping Tim, me and the baby in your prayers. God's listening and blessing our baby growing in me!

Hard to get a clear picture cause he was moving around so much

Baby Greene! Funny to see its big ol' head, its the same size as his body ;)

You can see the precious hands in this picture


  1. OMGosh!!! This is so amazing!!! We are so happy for y'all!!!

  2. How precious! It's amazing how detailed these photos are so early - wow how technology has changed. We continue to lift baby Greene, Baby Momma and Poppa up!

  3. Praise God for that sweet baby is fearfully and wonderfully made. It's so awesome following your journey. Thanks for continuing to wrote about it! Love-Rachael

  4. Wow, that is precious! I found your blog recently when researching the Emory Rep. Center. I start IVF w/ Dr. Session in about 12 weeks. Do you mind to send me your e-mail so I can ask a few questions since you also used Emory? Mine is Thanks and so happy for you and your husband! We've been ttc 5 years now... hope to also have a little one on the way in a few months! :]

  5. I am so happy that baby looks good and you get to stop shots...what a relief! Also love the ultrasound pictures. It is amazing how much you can see!!

  6. YAY!!! We are SOOOO excited to see the black and whites :D Holy Cow we are so happy for you all!! Can't wait to meet the lil' guy (...or gal!)! Enjoy the ride; thanks for the picture update; we'll continue to pray; and congrats on no more BUTT shots!!! Love the THREE of you!! The Austin Clan
