Wednesday, March 2, 2011

iNsAnE iN tHe MeMbRaNe

Guess what....Hudson's moving at such a fast pace!!! Well, that's if you think turtle speed is fast. So the doctor said that I was a centimeter dilated. Boo ya, a whole nother 1/2 a centimeter since my last visit! I was still 70% effaced and at a negative 3 station, which basically means he hasn't dropped at all, but she could feel his head way up there. I had my doctor strip my membrane, basically removing my mucus plug, to hopefully speed things along and naturally induce labor.
With all the shots, drugs and medications I was on at the beginning of my pregnancy I really do not want to be induced and have more drugs put into my body. I go to the specialist on Friday to make sure Hudson is not getting too big to birth naturally, to see if I've lost any amniotic fluid and to make sure he is healthy enough for me to keep going past my due date till he comes naturally.
Here's a couple pictures of my 10 month baby bump


  1. You are gorgeous Sara! I hope the membrane sweep works for you....I was 3cm dialated on my due date and my midwife did a membrane sweep on me and I had Maddi 3 days later naturally. Good luck to you with the impending birth! Can't wait to see pics of Hudson when he comes out!

  2. You look great!!! Can't wait to her the news & see pictures of sweet Hudson!!!! Good Luck & may God bless you!!!
