Friday, January 7, 2011

Speed Demon

So I was driving home last night about 9 o'clock from a church meeting and was heading down the road to my neighborhood. I'm going down the hill right before my neighborhood which kinda speeds me up, but then I slow down right away to make a left at the traffic light into my neighborhood. I;m at the stop light and a cop pulls out from a drive way ahead of me on the other side of the traffic light and starts shining his lights. I'm like gee I wonder who he's pulling over. So the light is green and I make a left in to my neighborhood and he's right behind me and I'm like oh fart its me! So I just stop in the middle of the road and the cars behind me are trying to get around me but I'm just stopped. Then the cop gets on his loud speaker and says "mam you need to move to the right you're blocking traffic." I start driving and making a left to go to my house (then I was going to pull to the right hand side) and he's like "your other right mam!" Well, duh I know my right i just wanted to turn towards the street of my house so id be out of the way. Then I pull over and he comes up to me and is like "do you know how fast you were going" and I'm like "it couldn't have been that fast because I was slowing down to turn." He said he clocked me going 56 on a 45 road, and I'm like "that's only 11 over, I thought you have a 10 mile leeway," he looks at me and says "mam, are you telling me there's a leeway on the law, the sign says 45 is the speed limit so the speed limit is 45 by the law." then he says "I hope you have a good reason for going so fast" in a smirky tone. Then I unzip my coat and flash him my belly! I said "actually, I'm 8 months pregnant and I have to pee really bad and I think I just tinkled a little bit cause you scared me!" He leans over into my window and sees I have a big belly and I ain't lying and he laughed. Then he said "if your pregnant you should know better than to speed." Then he says "have a good night and slow down to protect that baby" and he let me go :)


  1. Sara - This is hilarious!!! I love it. I bet Timmy was happy you didn't get a ticket! lol

  2. I was very happy she didn't get a ticket! I'm going to use the same line next time I get pulled over! :)

  3. Ah! That was so great!!! Maybe I should keep a throw pillow in the back seat just in case........

  4. Oh my! That's so funny! Pregnancy is awesome. Love that you didn't get a ticket!
